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Why do People Contract?
5 Powerful Goals for Self-Employed Individuals and Contractors of the Seasons in New Zealand
5 Powerful Goals for Self-Employed Individuals and Contractors of the Seasons in New Zealand

Setting clear goals can help you achieve success and fulfilment in your career. Here's five powerful goals we think you should consider.

Updated over a week ago

1. Build a Strong Reputation

Establishing a solid reputation as a reliable and skilled operator is crucial for self-employed individuals and contractors. Consistently delivering high-quality work, meeting deadlines, and maintaining professionalism will earn you the trust and respect of Hirers, leading to repeat business and positive referrals. Focus on building long-term relationships with clients and consistently exceeding their expectations.

2. Diversify Your Skills and Services:

In the seasonal industries, job opportunities can vary depending on the time of year and the specific crop or industry. To increase your earning potential and job security, aim to diversify your skills and services. Consider expanding your expertise to include different tasks, crops, or industries. The more versatile you are, the more attractive you'll be to potential Hirers.

3. Create a Professional Online Presence:

In today's digital age, having a professional online presence is essential for self-employed individuals and contractors. Create a website or join a platform to showcase your skills, experience, and projects. Leverage social media platforms to connect with potential Hirers, share your work, and establish your brand.

4. Invest in Your Personal Development:

Continuously investing in your personal and professional development is essential for staying competitive and relevant in the seasonal industries. Attend industry events, workshops, and training courses to enhance your skills, knowledge, and industry connections. Consider obtaining relevant certifications or qualifications to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to your field.

5. Establish a Sustainable Work-Life Balance:

While the flexibility of seasonal work can be appealing, it's important to establish a sustainable work-life balance. Set boundaries, take breaks, and prioritise self-care to avoid burnout and maintain your physical and mental well-being. Remember that a healthy work-life balance contributes to your overall success and happiness in the long run.

Jobloads can help you achieve your goals!

Jobloads is a contract jobs platform for seasonal businesses. We connect Hirers (businesses seeking to outsource their seasonal jobs) with Suppliers (self-employed individuals and contractors) who have the expertise, equipment, and labour to fulfill them. Our platform makes it easy for you to take charge of your Jobloads!

โšก If you're a self-employed individual or contractor in the seasonal industries, or looking to start your own business. We invite you to read the news and about our early access Jobloads beta. Experience the convenience and efficiency of our platform and take your career to the next level.

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